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The hwdbg debugger chip generator is a gate-level debugging tool designed to make configurable and synthesizable hardware debuggers for white-box and black-box chip fuzzing, testing, and reverse engineering. The primary goal of hwdbg is to provide control over hardware, enabling monitoring and modification of signals down to the granular level of a single clock cycle. It is written in Chisel and Verilog.

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HyperDbg's chip-level debugger ┃ (˚ˎ 。7
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hwdbg is a highly customizable debugger designed to ease hardware debugging by bringing software debugging concepts into the hardware debugging domain. hwdbg aims to help with the complexities associated with debugging hardware, including chips and IP cores. Key features of hwdbg include the ability to step through the hardware design at the clock-cycle level, visualize waveforms, inspect values (e.g., like a logical analyzer), and modify signals. Moreover, it is synthesizable into FPGAs and has the potential for fabrication into physical chips.